This weekend my Mom, Grandma, Aunt Cherie and I went to Time Out For Women. It was in Riverside. I had been looking forward to this event for months! It is something that us girls do ever year together. This year was no disappointment! We had wonderful speakers and great music. I was so excited to find out that Kenneth Cope was going to be doing all of the music this year. He is one of my favorite church singers. Our first speaker was Mary Ellen Edmunds. She spoke on this life being like our insurance policy into the next life. That as we follow the teaching of the gospel and commandments it is our insurance to live with God again. She is a very fun lady and has a great laugh. I really enjoyed her talk. The next speaker was Brad Wilcox. He spoke on the Atonement and how Jesus Christ has already done his part for us and that we need to do our best here on earth and Jesus will make up the rest. He had great stories and again really enjoy the message he talked on. After lunch we had two more speakers. We had first Jill Mannings. Jill is a marriage and family counselor and specializes in pornography. She addressed us on ways to keep our homes a safe guard against pornography. It was very interesting to hear everything she was saying and now bad and evil this world is. Especially the degrading and immoral things that are being done to women and child in that industry. She said that 83% of pornography comes from the United States that is on the internet. Our country is the largest producer of it. That is a scarey thought! It was a very informative talk. It opens my eyes to things I just didn't even imagine or understand. The last speaker was Emily Freeman. Once again I have to say it was a great talk. She talked on Abundance. She told a story of how she bought a wooden block that had the word abundance on it. She placed it on her coffee table and thought that was what her family needed that paticular year "abundance". Well things didn't seem to happen in her mind the way she had planned as the year went on and she didn't at first feel the abundance she had hoped for. But as she really thought about it, she realized that Heavenly Father was viewing abundance in a much different way and she was filled with blessings and had much abundance in her life. She went into great detail of the blessings in her life and stories of her family and the trials that they have went though. She is an amazing women and I learned so much from her talk. Most of her talk I was either laughing or crying. It was wonderful!! The entire conference was uplifting and so filling to my spirit!
We left the conference excited and blessed to be able to hear all the great music and speakers. Aunt Cherie had met us their and so we said our goodbyes and headed on our seperate ways. About 10 minutes into our drive home Aunt Cherie called my mom's cell phone and said she was in a car accident. She was heading down the freeway in her lane and a guy came out of control and hit her. She lost control of her van and ended up hitting the brick wall on the side of the freeway. We turned around on the freeway once we got the call since she was heading in the opposite direction than us. We got to the accident and her van was totaled! She was ok, we ended up taking her to the hospital's emergency room to be checked out. She was having chest pains, pain in her ribs and her left arm was all scraped up. But overall she was doing ok. Well we spend most of the evening at the hospital. Then we ended up bring Aunt Cherie home to my moms for the night. Then Uncle Nick came to pick her up this morning. It is so scary to be in that type of car accident. But I know she was blessed with walking away with only a few bruises!
Other than that Shane and I have been enjoying going to Disneyland with our Annual Passes. It is fun to see it all decorated for Halloween right now.
We also are heading to San Diego this coming Thursday! We are so excited to be going on a mini vacation. We are spending 4 nights at the Paradise Point for our Anniverary! Another year of marriage has past us by! I love Shane and I am so thankful to be married to such a wonderful man and a great father!
1 day ago
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