Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Well it took me 3 days but I finally got some pictures from Easter to upload. They kind of uploaded weird but I am just going to go with it and not conplain any more about them. Ayway, we had a wonderful Easter and a great spring break with Micheal down. We went to the movies to see Monsters Vs Aliens in 3-D no less! We made sugar cookies. A picture below to show off the results! We colored easter eggs. We had a easter egg hunt. We had a great time with the family!!

1 comment:

Brenda Scarlett said...

Hey Carrie great to hear from you. Looks like you're doing great!!!!

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California, United States
We decided to start a blog to keep friends and family updated on whats happening in our life. Especially family and friends that are out of state.